Not happy with your purchase? That’s ok! We know buying clothing online can be tricky. Maybe your purchase didn’t fit right or you just didn’t like the way it looks in person. You can return unworn, unwashed, and undamaged item(s) with no visible wear and tear within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We will cover shipping costs to return the item(s) if your order arrived incorrect or damaged, otherwise the customer is responsible for paying to ship the return items back.

You should expect to receive your refund within four weeks from giving your return to the return shipper; however, refunds are generally processed pretty quick. Four weeks just ensures enough time for us to receive the return, inspect it, and process the refund. All refunds will be sent back to the original purchasing method (so if you use your credit card, the money will go back on your credit card). If you no longer have access to the original payment method, you will need to contact the bank/agency of that payment method to collect the refund.

**Heads up** We do ask that you do provide a reason for return, not to hassle you, just so we know if there is something we can improve on.

Returns are easy! Follow the steps below:

  1. Email us at and let us know you would like to return your purchase. Please include your name, order number, returning product details, and reason for return.
  2. Ship your return item back to us via your carrier of choice. All returns should go to: PO Box 1109 Millington, TN 38083.
  3. Done! Wait for your refund.

To cancel an order, please contact us at as soon as possible. If the order has not yet shipped, we will refund the purchase immediately. If the order has already shipped, we will refund the purchase after we receive the returned item and processed the return.